Well Natasha Madison has done it again. I'll just read a few chapters before I go to sleep. Oh hello 3am. I really should know better, that once I pick up one of these books there is no way I will willingly put it down until the last page. And even then it's reluctantly as I obsess over how badly I need the next book that was just introduced. 


And seriously, this book had everything, including a visit or two from Casey and M&M. The angst was just the perfect side of keeping me completely hooked but not making me worry. And the chemistry couldn't have been any hotter. Because despite Harmony being an awesome character this book for me was all about Brady.


He had every reason to want nothing to do with Harmony, but once he laid eyes on her he fell so hard I think I heard the thud. And he went full protective alpha. But he did it with such kindness and sensitivity, while also looking like a massive, cranky jerk.


Then we've got the adorable Wyatt and I could completely understand how Brady just looked at him and wanted to claim him right along with his mum.


The only downside to the whole thing was that Harmony’s ex didn't get hit by a slow moving very heavy vehicle. But never mind, maybe it will happen in the next one. 🤞 





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