June 13, 2014
OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy debut novel batman! This author is the newest Kristen Ashley and her alpha's will make panties melt across the world. If you’re like me that last line has you already searching for it on amazon but hold up the link is at the bottom.
As soon as Tara said it was alpha we all pulled on our big girl panties and dove in and I couldn't be happier.
I went to bed last night thinking I would only read a few pages to help me sleep in the 30˚C weather and ended up reading til 5am, I just couldn't put it down.
Jack was everything an alpha should be and them some. With his bossy, growly, monosyllabic babe laden conversations along with his need to protect HIS woman he was perfect.
I loved the dynamic and chemistry between these 2 and I loved their baggage and their lack of personal drama. The secondary characters were awesome complete with a 70 year old nympho co-worker who gives me hope for a longer sex life than anticipated.
"You’re a dirty whore and I want to be you when I grow up."
All around this book was a major win in every aspect and should be on the bookshelf of any Kristen Ashley fan or alpha male loving book whore.
Before you dive into this book make sure you have a full survival kit
pairs of dry panties
A vibrator
charged and ready to go
A bulk pack
of batteries
A private
area to enjoy it.
June 13, 2014

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It seems like every NA book I read is a 20 something pure as the driven snow, stupid as a hat full of assholes blonde virgin who doesn’t realise she looks like Miranda Kerr and I was so sick of it. But then along comes Beautiful Broken Rules and I was over my tantie and loving life
Emerson Moore is my kinda girl. She is definitely no sweet, naïve, virginal little victim and I loved that for once the school slut got her story told with a big fat HEA to make the world see you don’t have to be perfect to deserve happiness.
On hearing her rules I was sure we were going to hear about her broken heart or the jackass ex who screwed her over but no, her rules aren’t to protect her or prevent her from falling in love they are there to prevent anyone else from thinking they can have more from her than she is prepared to give them.
Then along comes Jax who is determined to crash through all her barriers and who can blame her in tripping over her own rules to get under him? At first sight Jax knows he wants to own her body and soul.
Will you be my boyfriend, Jaxon Riley?” I laughed at him and my ridiculousness.His face relaxed into a happy-contented look and he quietly responded, “Baby, I thought you’d never ask.”
I slowly uncurled them to read his message, which was written boldly across the expanse of my palm. One word that screamed a whole lot more. Mine
Jax was the perfect balance of sweet and dominant to make me swoon. I always love a leading man who is all possessive and growling and Jax didn’t disappoint. The hand written notes and the sweet comments were the perfect compliment to the throw her over his shoulder and drag her off to the bedroom moments.
And the supporting characters were great. I maybe would have liked to see a bit more on them but I can’t wait to see Jace’s story unfold in

June 13, 2014
Once again another one of the amazing Mayson brothers finds his lady and makes my panties wet. I am so, so, so in lust with this series and am expecting my restraining order in the mail any day now from the beautiful Aurora.
than that it was perfection. And to be honest I am surprised. After reading the
teaser in the back of Until Trevor I was expecting to not be a big
Cash fan. I mean, I know why he did what he did and I kinda understood it but
the way he did it pissed me off and I was partially hoping Lilly was gonna make
earrings out of his balls for it. But of course he is a Mayson and there isn’t
a lady alive who could deny one of those boys what they want.
loved that Cash was a little bit kinkier than the norm and as much as I do love
the mouths on these boys, Cash knew just what to say to have a girl squirming
in her seat.
was so sweet and amazing, I fell in love with her straight away. And I loved
that although she was a lot softer than the other Mayson ladies she still had a
solid backbone. And despite everything she went through and all the things that
were thrown at her she still kept her sweetness.
now, as she does so well ,Aurora has me holding my breath and fidgeting madly, waiting
on Until Nico as the teaser was awesome. Well played babe.
Check out my reviews for this series here:
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