August 25, 2015
I have been fangirling over this series and the amazing
talent of Linda Kage since I first picked up Price of A Kiss. From that first
book I was so beyond hooked, I can’t even explain without making some weird
high pitched sound only dolphins could interpret, but I am going to try to write
a review to sum up the absolute perfection of this novel.
When I first saw that there was finally a release date I
jumped on the ARC begging line and luckily for me I think Linda felt sorry
for my patheticness and granted me one. But before I had a chance to even look
at mine one of my GR friends posted a comment stating this was different from the
rest of the series and to be prepared. Well that had me shitting my pants, I
mean why the hell would Linda change perfection? And what was I going to get if
it was different to my beloved Forbidden men?
But you know I have no patience so I tried to lock myself
in a dark room with my kindle and find out all there was to know about the new
ex-con bartender we super briefly met in A Perfect Ten.
And from the first page I was back in my happy place and to
be honest now that I have finished it I think this book was in true form to
every other book in the series.
If you are a fan of the Forbidden Men series then you are
going into this knowing all of the characters are interconnected and generally
in more ways than one, but in this one the connections aren’t ones we already
know of so that’s a little different. Also this book takes place in two time
frames which isn’t the usual but damn did that work so perfectly I can’t
imagine any other way of being told this story.
Like all the other novels in this series there is heartache
and devastation but I honestly had a near breakdown when I woke up 2 hours
early this morning to try and finish this book before we had to go out only to
get to 80% and run out of reading time. Not only was I out of time but I was
ugly crying so hard I could hardly keep my eyes open to read the next word. So
be warned read this when you have the time to sit and enjoy it.
Now don’t get me wrong this book had so much emotion it was
almost soul destroying but it also had everything we can expect from all our
favourites and then a few more twists and turns to keep us all on our toes. It
had so much love and friendship and support it was hard not to smile but it
also had Ten’s crazy comedy and a few surprises to keep us all on baited breath
for Ashers book. Which fucking hell that teaser was just plain mean Linda, so
you better have that one almost ready or I may end up camped on your lawn going
through your trash to find out what happens next.
But in all honesty this series has been perfection from
start to not quite finish so if you haven’t yet read Price of A Kiss one click
it right now and if you’re already a die hard fan of the series like I am you
really should have this pre ordered already and trust me you are going to love
Knox and City so hard.
Check Out My Reviews on some of the other Forbidden Men by clicking the pics below

August 19, 2015
Wow this book was awesome. I am absolutely blown away that it was Missy's debut novel. I admit I picked it up for the cover but it had me sucked in almost immediately.
Jewel was amazing. I was expecting a weak, damaged young lady and was delighted to receive a fighter through and through. I mean sure she had some weaknesses and some weak moments but after everything she had been through she was incredible.
And her friends and families love and support was perfect. I absolutely loved them all to pieces
But of course the star of the book, the reason I read romances, was of course Asher. Holy fuck was he perfection on a stick. Not only did he go above and beyond for jewel but he was just an all round great guy.
This book had a lot of terrible things happen to the characters but the way it was written was so uplifting. They were survivors and never once did I feel sorry for them or feel like they were victims.
And watching Asher help Jewel on her journey and fight for her at every step I fell madly in love with yet another perfect book boyfriend.
This is a must read book for everybody. Seriously you have to go one click this right now and fall in love with Jewel & Asher
August 15, 2015

Well I gotta say I absolutely did not expect that
when I picked up this book. I thought it would be your typical new adult story
with a little bit of emotion thrown in. But
the depth of gut wrenching emotion was perfectly blended with smoking hot
sexual tension and the most amazing alpha and kick arse heroine. It was pure
I sat in my car while sneaking in a few chapters
with tears streaming down my face and my heart breaking. And I loved every
second of it. Infact I have hardly been able to put it down and could barely
keep my eyes open as I read just "one more chapter" for the last 30%
of the book.
Ember was amazing. I loved everything about her
but the complete star was Josh. He had one
moment there where I thought he was going to need an ass kicking but I should
have had more faith in him, since he proved
himself at every moment. He was the perfect new adult alpha.
The writing was flawless and I felt every single
emotion like I had known these characters for years. I can't believe I put off
reading this book for so long.
Now I have to go stalk the author to see what
other books she has for me to ugly cry over.
August 11, 2015
This really wasn't what I was expecting when I
first started this book. I mean I absolutely loved Prick and Tool so hard I
just couldn't get enough of them so there was no doubt I was going to read this
But then I read the blurb and it just didn't
have the same feel as the first 2 so I put it off and put it off until finally
I caved.
I didn't not like this book I just didn't love
it. For me personally it was missing the humour and warmth that the other two
had that I really loved and wanted in
this book. But take that out and I felt like I got a story about characters I
just didn't manage to get as fully invested in.
But then maybe it's a case of its not you its
me. Since I have come off a bender of Corps Security alphas and I really just
wanted a little light and laughter and this really wasn't the book for it.
August 04, 2015
Omg the last Corps Security book. Reading this
book was so bittersweet. I mean I absolutely love Maddox Locke, he has been the
broody, quiet guy in the corner you can't stop your eyes from straying to from
the start. And I really wanted him to have all that he deserved and more but I
just never wanted this series to end.
Of course if you've read this series you know
that this story begins at the end of Beck and it is set in the same time as
Cooper but since Harper is such a goddess you have no idea what has happened
and how poor Emmy is handling everything she went through. And we kinda got a
very tiny tease into why Maddox is so closed off but really that tiny little
picture left us with more questions than answers.
And if you are anything like me you had twenty
different plot twists as to what the picture represents and what happened to
turn the smiling man in the photo into the one we all know and when it is
revealed just let me say
I didn't see that coming. Seriously just
straight out of left field but damn did Harper have me sitting on the edge of
my seat dying to see what happens next.
Even though Maddox was my favourite one of the
boys, damn did he drive me fucking nuts. I thought he would never pull his head
out of his damn ass and I am sad to say there were times I wanted Emmy to just
kick him in the dick and walk away.
Anyway if you’re like me and love story's with
no emotional angst or over done relationship drama, can't get enough of
possessive, growly alphas who know what they want and won't let anyone doubt
it,mixed in with enough smoking hot scenes to make panties pointless this
series has gone above and beyond and after messing up a little and reading
Unexpected Fate first I can say with confidence that the spin off just
keeps that bar held high.
So if you haven’t met the men of Corps Security
yet race off and one click it today. Check out my reviews on some of the boys
by clicking on the images below.
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