Well I gotta say I absolutely did not expect that when I picked up this book. I thought it would be your typical new adult story with a little bit of emotion thrown in. But the depth of gut wrenching emotion was perfectly blended with smoking hot sexual tension and the most amazing alpha and kick arse heroine. It was pure perfection.

I sat in my car while sneaking in a few chapters with tears streaming down my face and my heart breaking. And I loved every second of it. Infact I have hardly been able to put it down and could barely keep my eyes open as I read just "one more chapter" for the last 30% of the book.

Ember was amazing. I loved everything about her but the complete star was Josh. He had one moment there where I thought he was going to need an ass kicking but I should have had more faith in him, since he proved himself at every moment. He was the perfect new adult alpha. 

The writing was flawless and I felt every single emotion like I had known these characters for years. I can't believe I put off reading this book for so long.

Now I have to go stalk the author to see what other books she has for me to ugly cry over.


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