October 30, 2015
Oh my Fucking god how can she leave me like that? What have I ever done to Tessa to deserve a teaser like that? And when the fuck am I getting Ava’s story?
There I was loving the butterflies this beautiful, sweet love story was giving me, loving having the sweetest couple ever getting a chance to tell their happily ever after when BAM. Blown the fuck out of rainbows and unicorns and straight into angst over Ava.
But I guess you all don't want to know about that. You want to hear about Fusion so I will try suck it up and tell you about a love story for the fairy tales.
I have been hooked on this series from the beginning. And I seriously loved Jeremy and Sierra, I just never expected them to get their own book, but I was thrilled when I saw this one was their's. Then as I started it my stomach was a leaden ball. You see this whole series has been full of heartbreak and angst and I was so scared of where their story might go I almost didn't want to read it. But of course I have no impulse control so I had to.
And Damn am I glad I did. Of course there was a lot we already knew of their story and we have met the precocious Ava . And laughed at the antics of Jeremy and Sierra as they set up Lexi and Jace. But there was a lot more to their story and it was truly beautiful.
It seriously was a story that made me feel warm and content and blessed to witness it. It made me envious of their love despite the fact I have the best husband ever, their story was just so perfect. I loved every part of it. And I know I will be looking back on this book for months with a goofy smile and contented sigh.
And even though I finished the book and had a major Fucking meltdown over the teaser for Ava’s story I am still besotted with the story of Sierra and Jeremy Banks. This is one journey I am so glad I was invited on.
I can't recommend it enough this really has been an incredible series.
October 25, 2015
Damn. Helena's books really need to come with a warning. Something along the lines of don't read this in public unless you want to be considered crazy and don't read this with a full bladder unless you want to make a puddle.
Luckily I only needed the first warning, but then again most people around me are used to my random bursts of laughter or tears.
It feels like forever since I read Pucked but as I started reading this it all came flooding back to me. And the first thing I felt was fear. In Pucked we were pretty solidly introduced to Buck and it was obvious he was a nice guy and an awesome brother but since he was a huge fan of the puck bunnies he was going to be a shitty boyfriend.
And watching him start to change his ways when he met Sunny in Pucked I was expecting things to pick up with them together. But when this started with him smashed at a club I thought my heart was going to be crushed before the book even started.

Of course I should have had more faith. And as the book progressed so did my yeti love.
Buck was so beautiful, I think I have to add him to the book boyfriend list. I think Sunny sums it up best when she says he is a lightning rod for slutty women. He seriously could not catch a break.
Sunny is hard for me to pin down my feelings on. For the most part I completely got where she was coming from and if I am being honest I probably wouldn't have been any different but since this is told entirely in Buck's pov it was easy to be annoyed by her at times.
But then she is so sweet and open and honest and caring I would go straight back to loving her and wanting her to get it together and sort out her shit.
I loved how much we saw of Violet and I seriously think I could be best friends with that crazy bitch if she could morph from the pages but until then I will have to just enjoy her as the series goes on.
This book was so laugh out loud funny and the injuries and accidents had me wincing and laughing I honestly couldn't put it down.
I am expecting the next book to be Lily and Randy and I can't wait.
Check out my review of Pucked here
One Click them both now
October 21, 2015
If anyone had ever asked me what could improve a C.P. Smith novel I would have said a massive unequivocal nothing. I mean it’s like she has the direct link to every one of my personal panty melting buttons. But then what does she have to go and do? Prove me wrong by going one better and adding in The Princess Bride.
As with every CP Smith book we got suspense, drama, insta-love, a macho alpha badass hero, a sweet but sassy heroine, awesome secondary characters and a gripping storyline you can’t put down. Then throw in rescue dogs, the Dread Pirate Roberts, Miracle Max and Mr Montoya and I am pretty sure my pleasure sensors hit overload and exploded.
SEAL’s who can quote The Princess Bride.
Sexy, muscled, badass SEAL’s quoting the Princess Bride.
Sexy, muscled, badass SEAL’s quoting the Princess Bride.
As with every CP Smith book we got suspense, drama, insta-love, a macho alpha badass hero, a sweet but sassy heroine, awesome secondary characters and a gripping storyline you can’t put down. Then throw in rescue dogs, the Dread Pirate Roberts, Miracle Max and Mr Montoya and I am pretty sure my pleasure sensors hit overload and exploded.
This book was just Fucking perfection. I really feel like that’s enough said.
You have to one click this right now and dive right in you will thank me for it.
October 17, 2015
It really should be no surprise that I loved Sacked considering how badly I was addicted to the Woodlands series but geez was it fucking perfection. I mean seriously it gave me wet panties, stomach jitters and a warm contented happy feeling from start to end.
Honestly the tale has been told a thousand, million times. Star college athlete falls for team mates sister and drama ensues and I love those stories but this was so much more. And then some.
Knox was the king of amazeballs. He had every quality I love in a new adult man whore hero except he was that rare and thought mystical creature …………. A virgin.
And he was written to panty soaking perfection. I seriously think my ovaries exploded.
Unlike the rare other stories where the hero is a virgin there was nothing nervous or unsure about Knox. He knew who he was and he owned it.
And despite the absolute truest form of insta love ever it never felt like anything but true love. As soon as Knox met Ellie he felt it, but he didn’t try to do anything or say anything other than let Ellie get to know him and fall for him.
Ellie, I mean seriously what can I tell you about Ellie? She was, despite her family and past, perfection. She was strong, sweet, loving, sexy, caring, PERFECT.
I love that there was drama but no doubt, no angst or stupid miscommunications or any of the standard new adult college romance novel plot twists. There was no other person, no ex drama or third party trying to get involved. It was just a solid story with real life issues, consequences and I loved it. From start to finish. I seriously hope the rest of this series will be based around the warrior’s we have already met as I would love to see more of them and hopefully they are smart and fall for Riley, hint hint Jen get writing honey.
October 14, 2015
I was so excited for the release of this book. I am so addicted to the Briarcrest Academy Series and I absolutely love the way Ilsa writes I knew that Dirty English would be amazing. And seriously how could it not be? Sexy, tattooed, English, fighter? May as well just take a hose to my panties before I even turn on my kindle with all that to look forward to.
"Get away from the hotness and tell your ovaries to settle
down, my brain yelled"
And damn did Dirty English deliver. And the cover doesn’t
hurt either.
From the very start of the prologue I was completely
sucked in. I felt instant respect for this beautiful broken girl who was so
determined to live life by her own rules and not let her past dictate her
future. She was the perfect new adult heroine.
Elizabeth had so many reasons to sit back and enjoy her
own private pity party and there were so many times in this book she had reason
to throw her hands up and say “Fuck it all.” And although she had moments of
stubborn stupidity she was never one of those annoying pain in the ass
characters that seem to be so common in college romance.
And of course Declan was perfection. But then who could
ever doubt he would be? I actually spent the whole book trying to picture his
sexy British accent every time he called her love. He had multiple moments I
wanted to kick him in the dick but I think stupidity often strikes men in love so
it was easy to forgive him, especially being inside his head and knowing what
he is thinking and feeling when he is acting like a jack ass.
As always with Ilsa’s books the secondary characters are
awesome and even though I hated half of them I loved the interactions between
them all. And Shelley and Dax were the perfect balance of loyal support and ass
kicking realism with a healthy dose of humour to make me love them.
But I have to be honest I have already developed a serious
wet spot for Dax, so although this is currently a standalone I seriously hope
we get a book or hell even a novella for him sooner rather than later. Please?
If you haven't yet read this book one click it here
If you haven't yet read this book one click it here
October 10, 2015
I went into this wanting a full on growly alpha hockey player like I
have gotten from a lot of Sawyer's other novels. The first thing I have to say
is that is not at all what I got but I have to admit I am not disappointed.
I think if I hadn't just read off limits I might have enjoyed this a
little more but Emily and Nix were a hard act to follow and Linc just never hit
the mark for me.
I was expecting a man whoring asshole that I would love to hate, then
swoon all over or even a reformed man whore and he wasn't either. Obviously I
already knew he was a nice guy but I also knew he was a bit of a man whore with
no intentions of settling down so I really did expect a bit more of a fight
from him or even maybe Insta love.
And I never really warmed to Ever. But then I think it really is
more a case of it's not you its me with this one since I read this book after
spending an hour trying to figure out what to read and decided on this one
because I had loved both the cold fury series and the off series so much I
figured this one would hit the mark without bothering to read the blurb.
I wasn't chasing the angst and drama this made me feel, so rather than
getting lost in it like I would any other time I nit picked and didn't overlook
things that ordinarily wouldn't bother me.
Now with all that said I know for a fact I will read every hockey book Sawyer writes, and I will love them. I will 100% recommend this series to anyone who wants a sports romance, I just won't waste a Sawyer Bennett book on a bad day when I should know better than to read anything other than complete smut.

Labels:3.5 stars,Off Series,Sawyer Bennett,Sports | 0
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- Fusion (Explosive #5) by Tessa Teevan
- Pucked Up (Pucked #2) by Helena Hunting
- Framed by C.P. Smith
- Sacked (Gridiron #1) by Jen Frederick
- Dirty English by Ilsa Madden-Mills
- Off the Record (Off #3) by Sawyer Bennett
- Beyond What is Given (Flight & Glory #3) by Rebecc...
- Until Jax (Until Him, #1) by Aurora Rose Reynolds