I honestly don't even remember how I started on this series, but I am so glad I did. Because now I have a new college sports author to stalk. Not just because I love her writing style and her characters are awesome, but also because I am praying Joss and Colt are up next.


Ben and Violet had me dying to jump in from the minute Ben stalked her at the end of the last book. Because Ben was one of those characters I wanted to know more about. He had depths that no one really worried about with their own things going on. But those depths were so beautiful once we got him in the hot seat of MC. 


Violet was surprising. I spent half the book screaming that she was an idiot, while feeling for her about what she was going through. Because she made some seriously stupid decisions, but I could completely understand how she got to them. Although once she realised where she had gone wrong, she worked to make everything right.


The chemistry between Ben and Violet was so hot, I couldn't get enough. And there was the perfect balance of angst to keep me interested and turning the pages as fast as I could. Now I'm seriously hoping that we get Joss next because I love her already.




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