I thought this was the last book in the series and then I saw that we were getting at least one more book. And it's a crossover of two series I have loved so I am one very happy little munchkin.


Each book in this series has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. But in such a good way that they are hard to put down and have me laughing and smiling and crying. And when I put them down, I have a smile on my face and a desperate need for the next one.


Bennett was beautiful and I loved how completely in he was from the first page. While Presley was a lot more reluctant and needed time to get her fear in check. But once it came out where that fear was from, I can't say I blame her. Even if it did take her long enough to pull her head out of her you know where.


As always, the secondary characters were awesome, funny, sweet and kinda supportive, in that way only family can be. It was so well written I picked it up to read a little while I was having a cup of tea and I couldn’t put it down. I hate that we have to wait so long for the next one, but it's one of those series that I can just pick up any time and be right back in the story. And after that epilogue I can’t wait.



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