I have such a weird brain sometimes, I love Jennifer Sucevic and read the earlier books in this series bought this and then never read it. And I can't even imagine why because it is chock full of some of my favourite tropes. Sports, brothers-best friend, help me lose my V card, he falls first. Really, what more could I want? And yet I just never could open it.


JT and Claire had this weird tension between them after being thrown together for the last three years. And I loved the tension between them. Especially getting JT's point of view and seeing what he was actually thinking each time he hit on Claire and had her shoot him down. I really loved that most of the story's drama was based around Claire and didn't really have much to do with JT's past.


The only complaint I have is that it felt like it finished too abruptly. The epilogue was awesome, but I wanted to see a few people get dropped on their heads. And some of the secrets come out and some of the family loose ends get resolved. It's like I was expecting all these things to be building to something and then one of them got resolved and the rest just got wiped away.




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