Well that was just mean Lexi Ryan. I have been wanting to read this series every single time I see them but I keep putting it off cause damn does that blurb sound emotional and I have to be in the right mood to put myself through that. But the stars aligned this week and I just had to pick this up even knowing it was going to be an angsty read, I just really wasn’t expecting the amount of tears I shed while reading this book.

I also thought it was going to go in a lot different direction to the one it went in however I won’t tell you about that because it was so well written you have to take the journey yourself. And despite the fact I cried for most of the book it wasn’t one of those reads you walk away from feeling sad and heartbroken from. Infact I walked away with a huge smile wanting to rave about this awesome story and beautiful characters.

Mia was a character that I liked but I did go back and forth with her and I had a few moments I wanted to scream and pull my hair out but then we would get a little more of her story and I would see where she was coming from and I would feel nothing but love and sympathy for her. Everything she went through in this book would probably have broken me. But she was so forgiving and strong and I ended up loving her.

But not as much as I loved Arrow. Seriously that man owned me from the first. And although he did make a few stupid mistake and could (should) have handled things in a better way everything he did he did for the right reasons and with the best of intentions. And despite his mistakes he was a genuinely sweet guy who got dealt a really shitty hand.

I am so glad I picked this book up (finally) and I can’t wait to read the rest of this series, well you know next time I pull up my big girl panties enough.


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