Every now and then I just need a light, fluffy read to take my mind off adulting. You know one of those reads that has no real significance to anything but keeping my attention for a few hours where I don’t have to think about how the characters fit or when and how the drama is going to occur or if I am going to be able to handle it. And today this was it exactly.

This book wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows and I did have a few moments of drama and heartbreak but overall it was a sweet, humorous light hearted read that I mainly enjoyed.

I have to say mainly as I was getting a little pissed at the lack of communication and the stupid misunderstandings between the H and h, but I guess I can forgive that since I did get a sexy British accent and some pretty good sex scenes.

I also got a few giggles as well as some genuinely entertaining moments when I couldn’t turn the page fast enough. So I guess now I better go see when the next book releases because that teaser has me intrigued to hear more.


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