This is one of those times I really wish I didn't read the blurb for this after I had it on my kindle. Because I was so excited to get my hands on it as soon as I saw it, I didn't really worry about the blurb. I just knew it was Lavender's story and she was Violet and Alex's daughter and I NEEDED it.


Then I was gifted an ARC and I read the blurb and got scared I was going to ugly cry all over my kindle. So, I held off reading it. Until finally I couldn't hold out any longer and it ruined my ability to adult. Because although I didn't ugly cry I was a super emotional, overly invested mess who had to hide in my bed to prevent anyone talking to me while I waited for these two to get their shit together.


I vaguely remember Lavender being counselled by Queenie from an earlier book but I couldn't remember if there was a reason behind the fact she was wickedly shy and barely talked. As for Kodiak I didn't remember him, but I loved their childhood connection. Even if the subsequent separation was hard to understand.


And the way that Kodiak behaved towards Lavender made me want to neuter him with a rusty knife. Luckily we got duel POV and we got to see what was going on in both of their heads. Seeing all of the OG crew as parents was brilliant and I am so glad I got to read this book. 





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