So I just finished the Southern series and naturally I had to jump straight into this one. And I didn't read the blurb, I just figured it was more small southern town secrets. So, I was really shocked when I realised that Candace was related to characters from the This Is series. Which kind of sucks since it's still sitting in my kindle waiting for me to have time.


Luckily, the story is a new series and can be read as a standalone. But it does have me wanting to drop everything and curl up with those books, damn commitments. 


Anyway, this was back in the hockey world with a widowed father and I was nervous. Dead spouses are always a hard one to juggle especially when there are children involved. Obviously I don't want them to be compete psychos and have zero feelings for the ex but people tend to romanticize the dead. And then you've got the whole survivor’s guilt and things are messy.


Thankfully, Natasha walked the line perfectly and gave us a hero we could love. Who was made even better by a heroine that was understanding and mature and sweet and perfect. Honestly, the worst thing about the hero for me was that he was named Ralph. But that’s a me issue and I quickly got over it.


Candace and Ralph were so great together. They communicated like adults. And little Ariella was the star of the show. She was painful, and interrupting and exactly the age appropriate little cock blocker that babies are. But I loved that she was put front and centre by both of them in everything because that's what babies do. They hijack your life and make you so sleep deprived that you love them for it.


This book was perfect. There was emotion, chemistry, sex scenes and great characters. I am hoping that the teaser means we are getting Miller's next and I am so there for the drama and angst I am already anticipating.




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