Ok that's the Lani Lynn Vale book I have been wanting. Honestly I read the first two books in this series and didn't even care what this one was about I already knew I was reading it. Then I read the blurb and was a little apprehensive. 

Ashe sounded like a bit of a bitch and I thought I wouldn't like her. But honestly whoever wrote that blurb was a dirty rotten liar because I loved Ashe. She and Ford might have fought like cat and dog but underneath it they were thick as thieves and I really enjoyed their dynamic. 

Having most of the book told in present tense with a small glimpse into the past made me appreciate their friendship. And I liked that they were both clueless about their attraction to each other. But everyone around them was just waiting to see what was going to light the fuse on the powder keg.

Ford was all things great. He respected Ashe's strength and ability but he still wanted to keep her safe and protected. He got all protective whenever he thought someone was interested in her but he didn't act like a dick. 

The story was intriguing and I feel like there's a few storylines there that I am dying to see play out over the course of the series. And I really need to read the earlier series because I am loving being introduced to all of these characters but I feel like I'm missing out on their stories.

But for now I am just going to wait and see who's Mr April and who's the lucky lady to have him win her over.


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