I am in this weird semi book slump at the moment. I am spending more time searching for my next book than actually reading. So I was pretty excited when I finally got excited about reading Boyfriend for Hire. Then I realized I didn't have it on my kindle so I checked out Amazon and saw it was $5. Then I talked myself out of buying it.

I have a habit of one clicking books then not being in the mood to read them. Proof of that is that I have over a thousand books on my kindle and since a few of them are previous Kendall Ryan titles I talked myself into reading one of them. And honestly I think that was a mistake.

Ava was a little too perfect. And Barrett was a little too focused on the wrong things. I did feel their chemistry and that was pretty much all I felt. They kept saying how they couldn't be together while being together. They literally put up zero fight. Even if I felt their reasons were stupid they kept throwing them out like confetti while still doing whatever they wanted. 

I probably would have enjoyed this if I read it at a different time but since I'm an idiot and it wasn't what I was in the mood to read it just didn't work out for me today. So now I'm going to suck it up and spend the $5 I should have done in the first place, if I don't get distracted along the way.


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