You have probably noticed that things have gotten a little screwy around here. So I thought I better explain.

My husband is awesome, so for Mothers Day he got me a new Surface pro. And as I was an idiot when I logged into things on there, various items decided to sync. Cool right? Except then I had multiple copies of EVERYTHING so I just started randomly deleting things and cleaning up my folders and having a grand old day. Come Monday I jump on here and everything's a little off but I had a two year old screaming about Paw Patrol and an almost three year old arguing about which iPad was hers so I just put it down to my computer not loading fully and off I went. 

Well it finally occurred to me that the screwy thing in my life is me and I've moved or deleted a lot of my blog images and icons. And since I have been saying for the last two years that I wanted to change things and freshen everything up for a while I figure now is the time to do it. So I apologise for the screwyness of things right now but soonish (probably not that soon honestly, it's going to take me a week or two) it's getting a face life. Hope you like the new look (when it gets here) and if you've got any suggestions, or things you like or hate about this one, or in general in your blog reading life, let me know.


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